
My name is Dmitry, I am 23 years old. I am from a small village near the city of Shakhty. I have been living in Thailand for the last six months.

I got acquainted with poker at the age of 14. In 2020, I dropped out of college and started playing actively. I got into a good foundation at that time and in a year and a half, I was able to go from ABI 4 to 20. I came to FiatLab on a friend’s recommendation. Progress here was much faster – within a year, I grew from an ABI of 20 to 70-80.

Poker is a game where essentially there are no right answers. I approach classes the same way — I understand that there is no universal format and each student will learn information in their own way. Therefore, I try to adapt and find an approach tailored to each individual.


My name is Sergey, I am 29 years old. I am from Vinnytsia, Ukraine.

I’ve been playing for about four years. I started in 2015, a friend introduced me to the game. I started playing actively and realized that I wanted to move up the limits and grow, but I wouldn’t go far without a foundation.

I joined Fiatlab in August 2022. At first, it was difficult to adjust, the game was changing, and I had to get out of my comfort zone. Gradually, I began to improve, I designed and updated the bestcash, and became a teacher. During classes, I try to identify problem areas for students and work on them until we fix them.

At FiatLab, I found a professional approach to player training and development. I’m here because I want to be successful.


My name is Denis, I am 40 years old, and I am from Belarus.

I started playing poker professionally two years ago, after things in business rapidly deteriorated after the presidential elections, that’s how my hobby also became a job.

From the very beginning of my poker career, I have been playing at the foundation. At first, it was FunFarm, now it is FiatLab, which has had an extremely positive effect on both financial results and understanding of the game as a whole: there simply won’t be enough resources and opportunities for development alone. Once I reached a certain level, I realized that my knowledge would be useful to less experienced players, so I started teaching. I strive to teach


Anton Sacrisfoll, 28 years young. I am originally from Grodno, the cultural capital of Belarus.

I have been living in Montenegro for more than a year. The poker community here helped many boost themselves — I, for example, started playing four times higher and won the Sunday Million series for $215.

I have a master’s degree in technical sciences and worked at a factory for several years, where I realized that something needed to be changed, and started playing poker. It was a conscious choice, not out of love, as many say. For me, poker means freedom: freedom of location, financial freedom, and freedom in my work schedule.

Thanks to poker, I live, not survive. I think the key to success is working on the game —you need to do something yourself; it doesn’t matter a little or a lot, the main thing is to work.

Work hard, play hard, kooold!


My name is Pasha, I am 44 years old. Until March 2022 I lived in Moscow; now I am “on a business trip” in Kazakhstan.

I’ve been into poker for a while, but I only seriously looked at it in 2019. After a year, I joined FunFarm, eventually entering the top league in Alexey Fiat’s group.

Following the best, I have been at Fiatlab from the first days of foundation, where I also teach and work in the analytics department. I definitely have something to tell the students, because I myself studied from the best, including Alexey Fiat.

Poker is a game where everyone who is not lazy, who learns and plays a lot, can be successful. But you should always remember that if you stop developing, no matter how cool you


My name is Alexey, I am 35 years old. I was born and lived in Minsk until recently. Now I live in Argentina, where I plan to stay for a long time.

At first, I played for fun, but after the unrest in Belarus in 2020, I thought about moving and realized that poker is something that would allow me not to be tied to a place. I made the decision in one day – it’s the craziest thing I’ve ever done in my life.

Ending my cooperation with the previous foundation, I already knew that my place was in FiatLab. Here, I started teaching, which allowed me to self-actualize. My forte is long lessons, and my students’ results confirm their usefulness. I believe that any poker player, no matter how genius he is, needs discipline in all aspects. And, of course, it is always necessary to remain positive and not be upset by temporary failures.


My name is Vanya, I am 33 years old. I am from Gomel, Belarus.

Poker came into my life in 2012 when I was offered to play an interesting game at a student party, which rented space in my mind and still hasn’t moved out!

My professional journey began with joining FunFarm in 2020. I joined FiatLab in February 2022, and a year later I started teaching. The path was thorny, but it only tempered me and boosted me as a player!

FiatLab is a university that has gathered leading specialists, and I’m used to learning only from the best, that’s why I’m here!


My name is Danya. I am 22 years old, I am from Kyiv.

Four years ago, I didn’t even think about playing poker, but I came across a training video, got interested, and started playing. I played freerolls and centrolls on PartyPoker, applied to the foundation, and got rejected. I fixed my mistakes and after a couple of months, I tried again and was immediately accepted.

After completing the contract, I joined FiatLab, where after about six months, I became a bachelor and a teacher. I teach students to hit their limits with good ROI!

I believe that discipline is key in everything: in organizing schedules, tournaments, sessions, statistics, and in approaching the game.


My name is Dmitry Digger, I am 29 years old. I come from Gomel, and now I live in Warsaw.

I started playing as a teenager on PokerStars, then combined playing SNG tournaments with studying at university. At some point, I had to choose whether to work as a geologist, retrain in IT, or return to poker. I chose the most difficult path: in 2018, I started playing MTT tournaments, then played and trained at other foundations, and now I’m at FiatLab.

I like to provoke my students and take them out of their comfort zone while maintaining a balance so as not to offend anyone. I believe that the key to success in poker is work discipline, the desire to be the first, and, of