My path to FiatLab was not entirely orthodox. Having successfully dropped out of 4 universities (I could have become, for instance, a programmer-economist or a mathematics and computer science teacher), I gained invaluable experience in IT for two days of work as a tester and a week of internship as a developer.
I’ve been playing poker since I was 12, and debuted online, like many others, with free $50 more than 10 years ago. However, about my career as a player, I can only say that I earned much less from it compared to doing near-poker work.
Around 2012, I joined a poker club in Minsk, where for over 5 years, I combined the work of a dealer, a bartender, an administrator, and a tournament director. I firmly refused to work at the BPT series in Minsk, RPT in Sochi, and EPT in Barcelona.
As a player, I was a member of several poker foundations, and while being at Funfarm, I saw an opportunity to earn money again by watching others play. I did it as a selection coach, a moderator, and just a “nonprofessional expert on all issues”.
At FiatLab, I oversee web service development, automation, and optimization. We try to make the portal, reporting system, game monitoring, and audits as convenient as possible for both players and employees.